Most students look for entry level jobs at the end of their semesters as it provides a quick source of income and valuable job experience. Some students work at fast food restaurants and shopping malls, while others seek jobs in their respective specialization courses. Since this is the first job for most of the students, past work experience does not play a huge part in the resume when compared to other types of resumes. More emphasis should be laid on your special skills and academic achievements as this helps the hiring manager in judging whether you are a perfect match for the position or not. Given below is a sample entry level student resume, which will help you in drafting your own resume.
Charles M. Powell
954 Godfrey Road
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-492-9029
Email ID:
University St. Andrews, Carson City, MI
B.A., Business Management (January 2005)
Related Coursework
Red Cross Store for Space
2002 - Present
2000 - 2002
C, Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, Power Point, Minitab, Internet
Other Activities