Wholesale Buyer Resume

Whole sale is a term used for carrying out trade between two business sides who may be manufacturer and wholesaler, wholesaler and a retailer i.e. the trend is business to business (B2B). It may be defined as resale of new and used goods to retailers, to industrial, commercial or professional users. Here we present you with resume to match your credentials and guide you on the right path. By the way as a whole sale buyer, your resume will have your business goals and the experience you have achieved through the years. Your Personal specifications will include effective communication skills, good rapport. Computer knowledge to carry out transactions and recording other details like inventory, information regarding your business counterparts etc. I am sure this example resume will serve your purpose.

Sample Wholesale Buyer Resume

Jorge N. Todd
3208 Rogers Street
Cincinnati, OH 45214
Phone - 336-488-3541
Email-id - Jorge.todd@mymail.com

Career Goal

Obtain a respective career in the sales field with the utilization of obtained organizational and professional expertise

Academic Background

Professional Affiliation Computer Programming Skills Professional Excellence Summary Professional Background

2005- Present date: Work as the senior buyer for the Helen Industry, New York with some of the following responsibilities

2003- 2005: Worked as the buyer for Heaven International, Orlando with some of the following responsibilities 2001- 2003: Worked as the follow-up coordinator for the XYZ Coordination, Mississippi with some of the following responsibilities

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