Richard Anderson
1234, West 67 Street
Carlisle, MA 01741
(123)-456 7890
Date: 1st January 2009
Justin Holloway
XYZ Music Store
1234 Archer Road
Gainesville, Fl 32607
(352)-555 1635
At present, I am attending University of Louisiana State and will be acquiring a B.Sc. in Kinesiology with a focus on human movement in May 2001. GPA is 3.8.
Prior to joining college, I had volunteered at St. Charles Nursing Home assisting the seniors in eating, talking and playing games with them. At my high school, I volunteered at a front desk doing regular check in & check out processes and tracked attendance for 1500 students. I was a division lead in a marching band for the clarinet division including 60 people.
While doing college, I volunteered at different Physical Therapy health centers, worked and observed children with the Cerebral Palsy. In addition, I have completed research in laboratory for four different classes. At University of Louisiana I am continuing a high GPA in major through my time managing skills. My volunteer and laboratory experience will be a big asset to your program.
I would like to add the essential experience to be capable of sell myself to potential employers before my graduation.
I'd like to plan interview with you at your convenient time. Please call me at above phone number.
Thank you!
Richard Anderson.
Enclosure Resume.