Art teachers have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders because they not only teach the students but are also supposed to arrange various exhibitions wherein the students can portray their talent and get noticed. Just like a genuinely interested student is what every teacher wants, every employer looks for an employee who is genuinely interested in performing the responsibilities for a particular position.
That is why we should ensure that our resume is accompanied with a cover letter. The art teacher cover letter is all about telling the employer you are capable of handling the job. Why does it hold importance? Well, if you wish to get short-listed then you have to ensure that you present yourself in such a manner.
When an employer sees genuine interest and eagerness to be a part of his organization with valid reasons, he or she becomes willing to give the candidate a fair chance by selecting them for the next round. So, through the art teacher we attempt to do the same. Refer to the following section for a sample cover letter.
Art Teacher Cover Letter Example
The letter given below is by a candidate who has learnt various forms of drawings, sketches, pencil shading, still drawing, portrait making, canvas paintings, etc. Given that he is trained in all these things, it is one of his selling points that can lure the employer or recruiter to call him for the interview. This is exactly what is expected out of an art teacher cover letter.
The letter should be written in the American letter format and while you start writing it keep in mind to run the spelling and grammar check option to avoid the common mistakes while writing. The word limit for the cover letter is 400 words. But it actually depends on what you have got to tell the recruiter or employer to promote yourself.
While you are writing you have to bear in mind just one thing that the content of the art teacher cover letter and resume does not become similar. We present to you an example of the letter.
Aston Martin
214 Lincoln Street,
New Society,
E-mail Address -
Contact No. - (907) 458 7784
Torque Earnest,
Human Resources Officer,
Recruiting Department,
Central School Association,
Dear Miss. Earnest,
Subject: Job application for Art Teacher
I came across the advertisement for an Art Teacher in your school. I myself have studied in Central School and have always been proud of being a KV product. It will be a huge honor to be a part of this organization, not only because it is a reputed government establishment but also for the fact that the organization provides free education to girls and has subsidized fees for boys too. There are hardly such policies now that the schools follow and education is becoming costlier day by day. In these circumstances I would be very proud if I can be a part of such a noble establishment and impart whatever little knowledge I have to my students.
I have some basic training of teaching from the University of Massachusetts which I wish to incorporate in my teaching. So hope to hear from you soon.
Sincere regards,
Aston Martin
Hope this sample art teacher cover letter helps you to draft your letter. Remember to personalize the letter and also customize your abilities and skills keeping in mind the job profile given by the employer. When you have a look at the job descriptions, you will get an idea as to what exactly is required and how to impress the employer. We wish you all the best for your future and hope you get the job you desire!