Sales letters need to attract the readers and convince them for purchasing the products and services of your company. A sales proposal letter is considered as the most powerful means for business growth and sales. A good sales proposal letter should be concise and with specific details. The information in letter can invite the readers to take a particular action you want.
You must provide a detailed catalog of price and services you are offering to the customers. You can also mention the special offers if you have to attract the customers or clients.
Here is a good sample of sales proposal letter written by a motivational training organization a corporate firm. This proposal letter offers a motivational training to employees of that firm to improve their productivity.
Sales Proposal Letter Sample Mr. XYZ ABC Date: Mr. Steven Lewis Dear Mr. Steven Lewis: Is your company has problems about employee's morale and confidence? Are you having trouble in getting maximum production from your employees? Do you think that your company can perform much better if the employees are encouraged to work together? Here is our motivational training program that will be a good option to solve your all troubles. If you are one of the successful employers, you must be thinking about finding ways to keep employees motivated. We provide specialized training programs to your employees that will solve their all issues. Our training programs are 100% guaranteed for boosting the employees and enhancing their productivity. We offer money back scheme in which you will get your all money back if you do not find the expected results. Our experienced trainers and motivators have helped many esteemed big organizations for improving their productivity and employee psychology. You can have a look over some of the employers' testimonial about our training programs from the attached document. You may want to consult with all these aspects, so you just need to 455-654-7896 where our experts will answer your questions. We have attached a detailed catalog with this letter. Remember, encouragement leads to better work performance. Yours sincerely, |