Donation Thank You Letter

This type of letter is written to convey thanks to the person who has donated a substantial amount of money for underprivileged people. The donation can be in any form. A thank you letter is used to convey appreciation for the donation given for a good cause. There are many organizations which require such support for helping poor and homeless people. This is a social responsibility that one has to carry out. This sort of letter is drafted to show your admiration to the person who has donated.

In this letter here, we get to read about a person who has donated funds that has helped the non governmental organization in financing education of poor orphan children. This letter is short and precise. The letter begins with a thank you note in the very first line. The letter is full of warmth and positivism for the person who has done this good work.

Donation Thank You Letter Sample

Children's Paradise Residential Services
150 North Street
New York City,
NY- 21450

Date: Monday, 15 May, 2006

Mr. John Smith
St. Mary Street
New York City,
NY- 52112

Dear John:

Thanks to you, the Children's Paradise Residential Services is successfully providing residential facilities, clothes, stationary equipment, computers and other needful things to poor and orphan children. We are happy to see your volunteer participation in such social responsibility.

We work for the education and empowerment of poor and uneducated children through our association. These children are the victims of crisis in their lives or natural disasters. These children are often neglected for the basic needs and education. Hence, we try to provide them for what they deserve. You contribution to this work will definitely encourage other people and our association too.

We arranged residential facilities for about 300 orphan children last year, and arranged for teachers for their education. Our residential have enough facilities to educate and feed these orphans. It was a great achievement for us when one of the children from our residence got selected as the National Scholar Student.

You are invited by our association to visit our residential site and met our staff of 50 volunteers and children. We will be pleased by your visit and it will be inspiring to us to see your satisfaction. Please let us know when you will be available for this tour.

We'll provide you all the details of programs and campaigns organized by our association for children. Our quarterly newsletters and emails will be sent to you regularly.

Thanks to you again, for you kind support for our association.

Your Sincerely,

Susan Lopez
Children's Paradise Residential Services

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