Confirmation Letter

A confirmation letter is written to confirm a business deal or an employee in an organization. A confirmation letter has various purposes like clarifying the terms and conditions of a business proposal, solving the misunderstanding about the situation or event. This letter helps in giving an assurance to the client that he/she has received your report, proposal and has started working on it.

This type of letter uses an assertive tone. The letter has to be clear, accurate and direct. This sort of letter helps all the members in a team to get latest updates on current happenings. This letter helps in building good will and trust about the company.

A Sample Confirmation Letter

George Shelley
HR Executive
ABS Fitness Center
34473 Golden Lantern Street,
Dana Point, CA,
United States
(949) 496-0606

November25, 2009

Neil Jackson
34473 Golden Lantern Street,
Dana Point, CA,
United States
(949) 496-0606

Dear Mr. Jackson:

We feel happy to inform you that your services are being confirmed as Marketing Team Leader with effect from 20th November 2009. This is with reference to the performance review of three months from 14 August to 15 November 2008, when you were on probation in the company.

The terms and conditions given in the appointment letter remain unchanged. Your salary revision will be done in the month of July as specified earlier. If there are any changes in the leave policies, you will be informed about it in a separate letter in the future.

The senior management has looked into your contribution to the company and your hard work has paid as you have been confirmed before your probation period of six months. This is due to your diligent performance and handling the responsibilities well.

We wish you all the best! I hope you will fulfill your goals and company's goals with the same sincerity and trust shown in the last three months

Yours truly,

George Shelley

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