Swansea is a city and a county in Wales, in the United Kingdom, a place full of history and culture, a place where many can find the spirituality they were looking for while having a decent life, decent jobs and the peace they cannot find in any other place. Its rebirth after the war is impressive. Swansea managed to rise up from the ashes and to reinvent itself with new factories and tower blocks and a lot of concrete on the horizon. Luckily, the marine sector allowed it to restart its economy and from then until now it is just history, but a history of renaissance.
Now, about 40 percent of the employment positions in Swansea come from the public sector, which works with most of the personnel in health and education. Only the local university has about 2,500 people working for it, but it seems that their efforts and investments are worthy since the city is famous for its medical and engineering leading schools and for the great sporting facilities. In addition, a University Trust recently formed has gathered about 16,000 people in its staff.
Leisure operators as well as profile retailers are only two other jobs that are needed because these sectors are very active and they also represent a constant area for making employments. Keep this in mind if you consider moving to Swansea. Marriott and House of Fraser are famous names who have their origins here, who treasure the quality and the services they provide to their clients and who are willing to make considerable investments also in what regards their employees
The best part is that the local politicians are making efforts to sustain this sector and they actually intend to make investments in another two ports located in this town: Bristol and Cardiff.
Finances are on power too, since this sector started to raise in the last few years because of the call center activities who turned into a very profitable industry. They are offering banking services on the phone for various customers and everybody seems to be pleased in there.
Business districts
The West Business Park, which is considered the largest industrial estate founded in Swansea after the war, a place where more than 1,500 persons work. You should also try the Riverside Business Park. Of course, then there is the Central Business Park, a place with large offices, with many manufacturing units and with an attractive working environment.
One last thing we would like to add refers the hiring opportunities in the field of transports. They not only have well developed infrastructures with all sorts of public transport means, but they have railways, airports and ports where you have higher chances to find yourself a job. The marine sector is quite profitable; there are many ship transports, many warehouses near docs, where merchandise needs to be taken care of. They actually have a system of floating docks plus one ferry terminal. In addition, if we consider the seaside, there are beaches; there are tourists and hotels, again the retail service where job opportunities abound.