Georgia is one of the thirteen original colonies established in 1732, actually the last colony and it is presently the ninth state in the U. S., judging by its population, and on the 24th place as size. What makes it so great is that living expenses are generally affordable and the life quality is sustained by the activity of some prestigious companies who have the required capital required in order to attract and to keep the quality employees. So if you think you have what it takes to earn yourself a place in one of those companies listed in Fortune 500 or even in some other less prestigious but just as attractive, why not try your luck in Georgia? However, be ready to face competition, since every single year about 100.000 people make this step. Because of this, Georgia is one of the first ten most fast growing states in America.
Economy is all about industries and industries are all about employing personnel. That is why we should look at it. The main industries you can find developing here are about automotive, food processing, agriculture, tourism, plastics and metal fabrication.
They have many dynamic universities, focused on doing research and they actually come with new and impressive discoveries, discoveries that allowed the appearance of new industry in this state-biosciences.
Aircraft and aerospace, energy and environment, global trades, transportation and logistics, financial services, manufacturing, information technology and tourism are just other places to consider looking for employment.
If you are not looking for a work place but for a place to move your business to, then there is good news for this too. In Georgia, the government is doing its best to encourage and help businesspersons with abundant incentives, reasonably priced lands to buy and favorable taxes.
If you are already used with this tradition of checking for the best places to work, considering previous results of every company activating in U. S., you will understand the need to check this top when we are talking about jobs that can be obtained in Georgia.
Aflac seems to be on the first position in this state. Do not let yourself be fooled of misled by that duck face you see all the time when it is about Aflac. Insurances continue to be a very profitable field of activity and this is why it is said that Georgians find the best working conditions at this company.
Alston and Bird is a name we hear a lot in no matter what state of America. Moreover, we meet it again in Georgia, on the second position. Women and young families will love them because of their sympathy for pregnant workers and the benefits they offer. In such a prosperous state, where many businesses activate, it is no wonder that the law is something that needs to be held on the line. Moreover, that is what this company does - it specializes in law and lawsuits.
On the third position, we meet Bright Horizons, a company specialized in offering family solutions and helping families with child care personnel. Again, in a state where businesses are on the increase and people have a lot of work to do, someone has to take care of keeping families together too, right?
Children's Healthcare, in Atlanta, Deloitte and Touche, Ernst and Young or Marriott International are some other places to look for a job. Take your time and analyze them.