The role of engagement director / engagement manager is similar to that of project managers, but it is not limited to a single project. Apart from project management, an engagement manager is required to handle the entire proceedings of business engagements and carry out the collaboration between various business organizations and corporate clients. Engagement director responsibilities include managing the development and proceedings of the entire business project.
The basic responsibility of the engagement director / engagement manager is to manage strategical and tactical processes throughout the business engagement and develop an accurate marketing strategy which strikes a perfect a balance between organizational growth and corporate clients' requirements. Duties of engagement director are not just related to business engagements, but extend to providing leadership with an innovative perspective, initiating, and facilitating communication across different channels of communication. He also has to monitor technical, legal, and sales processes, which results in providing profitable results to the organization.
For handling the role of engagement manager successfully, one must have the required qualification and expertise skills in this area. To be eligible to apply for this job, one needs to have a bachelor's degree in a related field depending upon the company requirements. Someone with additional qualification (certificate course, post-graduate, etc.,) in the field related to the company's requirements and / or MBA is generally preferred over a candidate with bachelor's degree.
Apart from educational qualifications, experience and knowledge also count for the role of engagement director. A minimum of 5 - 8 years of experience in client service organization, consultancy, software-related services, and / or web-related services is required for applying for this job. Along with this, previous track records regarding project management, technical know-how in web development, and other IT applications are considered. Additional preference is given to the one with excellent organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills.
Responsibilities of an engagement manager are so vast that after successful completion of their role in this area, they get promoted to the higher level management in the company, involving direct strategic planning in the core processes of the company. The thoroughness in the involvement of handling business engagements as an engagement manager provides him the skills, competence, and contacts required for reaching the higher position in the management.
The salary compensation of an engagement manager varies depending on the work location and industry, on the complexity of the job, requirement of technical qualification, and the sense of responsibility. Average salary range falls between $40,000 to $120,000 annually.
An engagement director brings together the work of all project managers, so that the business organization and its clients can have an unbiased professional view over the implementation of business engagement. Thus, an in-depth view of engagement director responsibilities gives an overview on the role of an engagement director in a company.