Pageant Interview Tips
Pageant titles are usually won by the best combination of beauty and brain. A contestant's thinking process is put to test during the interview round. At the interview round, contestants have to think and frame their responses within a small span of time.
The interview round is the time to shine the brightest among other contestants.
Tips to remember while facing the interview round :
Intensive training is a part of any pageant. And you are provided ample training to prepare for the pageant. For the interview round, trainers work towards improving your speech, diction, voice inflections, intonations etc. The training procedure also includes exhaustive sessions on how to confront the judges' questions.
Following are some tips to remember during the interview session that will help you keep your nervousness at bay.
- When a question is posed to you, take 3-4 seconds time-off to gather your thoughts and frame a coherent reply. Do not launch into an immediate answer. You tend to make more mistakes and lose the entire structure of your reply.
- If it is a 'yes-no' type question, you are required to justify the choice by elaborating your answer. Simply answering with a 'yes' or a 'no' is not counted as a valid answer.
- Each answer should be marked with conviction. You should communicate your beliefs to the audience in your brief speech. Start off with 'I staunchly believe that' or 'I feel' A confident answer makes a long lasting impression.
- There are no standard right answers for any question. You should be able to communicate your individual belief and convince the judges your line of thought. Speak decisively. It is your ability to deliver the responses and confidence that is judged more than your point of view.
- Follow a simple pattern while answering to any question - Introduction-Explanation-Summary. Make sure to link your answer into these three steps orderly. Vague introduction or an abrupt summary will jeopardize your chance of winning the title.
- Avoid using fillers while replying. Fillers are the words or sounds that are used to fill in the gaps while speaking. Eliminate this habit with constant practice. Fillers will not only portray you as an under confident contestant, but will also make the judges lose interest in your responses.
- Have an idea about answers to most likely questions. Pageants have a formulated set of questions. Keep your replies ready for questions based on social causes, humanitarian issues and title winning experience out of many others.
- Finally, respect the time limit given to you for answering a question. If you take a lot of time to frame your replies, you may not be able to complete your statements. This could turn against you.
Be sure to show bold streaks of self confidence and conquer the world with your winsome smile.