Interview Feedback Forms

Companies hire recruitment experts when they launch recruitment drives. These people can expertly navigate the recruitment process and successfully pick the right mix of candidates for the openings in the company.

These interviewers have standardized evaluation sheets where they rate the candidates on particular basis. Mostly candidates are rated on the scale of one to ten. Interviewers write down additional notes, remarks and observations to mark their findings. These feedback forms help the management in making a decision.

The main areas where the candidates are evaluated are - Suitability for the job, Knowledge of the subject and Self Presentation. These are the three core areas where candidates have to prove themselves. There are also sub categories in them that are further cut down into questions. Following is the general format of an interview feedback form.


Name of the Candidate: ________________ Date: ___________
Salary Expectations: ___________________
Position Applied for: ___________________
Interview Time from _________ to ________
Area of EvaluationRating from 1 - 10Remarks
1. Preparation
  • Subject Knowledge
  • Knowledge about the company
  • General Awareness
  • Technical knowledge
2. Organizational Skills
  • Ability to organize and stream line projects
  • Examples
3.Planning Skills
  • Thought Process
  • Planning stages
  • Backup plans
  • Examples
4. Leadership Skills
  • Motivational skills
  • Ability to influence people
  • Team management
  • Examples
5. Problem Solving Abilities
  • Examples
6. Logical Thinking
  • Examples
7. Ability to deal with stress
  • Performance in stress interview
  • Examples
8. Communication Skills
  • Ability to reach out to team members
  • Ability to communicate effectively
  • Examples
9. Business/ Industry Awareness ----
10. Appearance and Overall Impression
  • Dressing
  • Body Language
  • Facial Expressions
  • Other non-verbal signals
Overall Rating and Comments: _____________________________




Should the Candidate be Recruited? Y/N

Companies may include any new or discard some of the areas mentioned in this sample feedback form. A feedback form is nothing but a score sheet of a candidate�s performance during an interview.

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