Computer skills in the resume are a must as they hold a lot of importance in most professions. Even in a job where too much technical knowledge is not required, computer skills are an added advantage. However, there is a certain way in which the computer skills are to be written. Therefore, we have provided a couple of examples with which you would be able to understand how the skills are to be written.
Firstly, In a profession that has all to do with computer skills, these skills are to be mentioned right at the beginning. In such a skill section, all the technical details have to be given. You have to mention the various programs, application, operating systems and other such technical things in detail. When the recruiter is recruiting for a technical position, they do know all about the technical details. Hence, mentioning them in the resume skill section will ensure the recruiters know about your experience.
Now in the case of a non-technical job, the computer skills are to be mentioned, but only after stating the important points first. All the profession related qualities are to be stated first, because the recruiters are more interested in them. In such a profession, computer skills are mentioned as an extra bonus. Also, it is not to be mentioned in detail, just a brief will do.
We have two samples of computer skills in resume. You can follow them while writing your own resume.
First Sample of Computer Skills in Resume
Though a lot of technical detail like the programming and software platforms have not been mentioned, the above sample is a simple form of how a skills section in a technical job would look like. Follow this sample and make additions of technicals details while making your own resume.
Second Sample of Computer Skills in Resume
The above is a sample skill section of an assistant. Notice how the computer skills are stated below, but they have been given their due importance. Computer skills are an absolute must in all professions; hence, this skill has to be mentioned irrespective of its importance in the profession.
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