Career Development Specialist Resume

A career development specialist is an expert who provides counseling and guidance in choosing career path to students. General job profile of a career development specialist includes designing, developing and implementing comprehensive career development program for students. The position is applicable in career counseling centers and educational institutions like school, colleges and universities.

A resume, often called a "summary of skills and work history," is a persuasive document. The objective of this document is to get invited for the applied position. But the question is what makes a good resume? There is no single answer to this question. This is because certain elements go together in the process of making it appealing. The style, format, layout, content and structure works together to give an overall professional and inviting appearance. In addition, the information should be crisp, precise and to the point. The following generic resume template has been provided for your guidance. The idea is to teach you how to prepare a compelling career development specialist resume.

Career Development Specialist Resume Example

Leo Williams
3453 East Park-New York
Contact: 212-666-2121

Career Objective:

Experienced in developing and implementing comprehensive career education program at the high school and college level, including student instruction career and vocational planning, seeking a career development specialist in a prestigious educational organization.

Professional Skills:

Professional Experience:

Central Education College, New York
June 2013 till date
Career Development Specialist

Elm High School, New York
May 2011 to May 2013
Senior Career Development Coordinator

Educational Qualifications:


On request.

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