A tenant representation agent, also called as tenant rep, work for the companies and corporate customers. Tenant representation agent looks to buy or lease part of a property or total real estate asset. In tenant representation agent career, most important part is business development.
Tenant rep has to develop the business on their own so looking for new customers is the aspect of their career. Though broker or the senior tenant reps guide, most of the times tenant reps use cold-calling for the business development.
In tenant representation career, there is cutthroat competition. One has not only to compete against outside tenant reps but also deal with the one inside the office. For some tenant reps, it is difficult to deal with inside competition than the outside one. There are always clashes about business to be chased by the tenants.
When some client wants to buy, lease or sell the property, the tenant rep prepares a listing of the available options in the market and manages the associated negotiations. Usually tenant reps form the teams and allocate the work in between them. Team comprises of the one junior and one senior tenant rep. Usually the junior rep is responsible for making cold calls and arranging the meetings.
While in the meeting, senior tenant rep take the lead and make the deal.
Junior reps search for the options available in the market and discuss those options with senior reps. All the possible options are put in front of the client for the examination. Generally senior reps manage the sale or lease negotiations. Junior tenant reps work at least for 50 to 60 hours per week while work hours of senior tenant reps depend on the process of deal.