The law requires major airlines to provide flight attendants for the security and safety of the traveling public. The work of flight attendants is to ensure that safety and security regulations are followed strictly. Flight attendants try to make flights enjoyable and comfortable for passengers.
Job Description
Flight attendants are briefed at least one hour before each flight by the captain. Flight attendants are briefed on things like coordination of the crew, emergency evacuation procedures, expected weather conditions, the length of the flight, and other issues related to passengers.
The work of flight attendants is to greet passengers when passengers board the plane. These attendants check their tickets, and guide them to store carry-on items. A flight attendant has to instruct before the plane takes off. They instruct passengers how to use emergency equipment and make sure that seat belts are fastened, carry-on items are appropriately stowed, and seat backs are in upright positions.
One of the most important responsibilities of a flight attendant is to help passengers in an emergency event. They reassure passengers during rough weather and direct them who ought to evacuate a plane succeeding an emergency landing. The responsibility of a flight attendant is to answer questions pertaining flight, allocate reading materials, blankets, pillows, and help small children, disabled, and elderly persons.
Flight attendants may supervise first aid to passengers who injured or ill. Generally, they serve beverages and other refreshments to passengers. In many flights, especially international, these attendants distribute precooked meals and snacks. Before landing, the job of flight attendants is to take inventory of alcoholic beverages, headsets, and moneys collected. They need to report problems of passengers to the concerned authority. First, lead, and flight attendants are known as pursers. They supervise the work of other attendants.
Work Environment
Flight attendants may work holidays, nights, and weekends because airlines operate around the clock. In many cases, agreements between the employees' union and airline determine the total daily and monthly working hours. Generally, on duty time is up to twelve hours a day. However, some contracts provide maximum forty hours a day.
Generally, flight attendants fly sixty-five to ninety hours per month and spend another fifty hours per month for preparing planes for flights, writing reports, and waiting for planes to arrive. A flight attendant who works for extra hours will receive extra compensation. A flight attendant can be away from their homes at least one third of the time. When flight attendants are away from their home, they receive hotel accommodations and allowance for meal.
Flight attendants ought to be flexible and ready to relocate anywhere. Nevertheless, some of the flight attendants choose to live in one place. Many flight attendants start working on calls. In small corporate airlines, a flight attendant works on as-needed basis. They must be able to get accustomed to all types of weather. These flight attendants have to carry out following responsibilities.