Agricultural Scientist

The demand for career as agricultural scientist is increasing in countries like India, where most of the land is used for agriculture. In recent years, the growth in the study of genetics has increased the growth of biotechnology and with the increase in biotechnology there are more opportunities of research in many areas of agricultural science.

Some agricultural scientists work with biologists and chemists to develop efficient processes for turning crops into energy sources, like the ethanol produced from corn.

In the career as agricultural scientist, the tasks that are carried out depend on the type of specialization.

For career as Agricultural scientist, a master's degree is needed, but a bachelor's degree is also enough for some industries in product development or applied research in agriculture. A Ph.D. in agriculture science is needed for college teaching or to get a position of a senior researcher. Degrees with specialization in biology, chemistry or physics or in related engineering specialties also can be useful to become agriculture technologists. All states have land-grant colleges and universities that offer agricultural science degrees. The related knowledge of communications, mathematics, economics, business and physical and life science is also essential. Those who want to be specialist in soil and plant scientists can take courses in plant physiology, plant pathology, soil chemistry, entomology, and biochemistry.

Other necessary Skills:-
The skills that are necessary to enter the career as agricultural scientist are as follows:-

Place of work:-
In the career as agriculture scientist those who work in management or basic research have to work for regular hours in offices and laboratories. The work place for those involved in applied research or product development varies, depending on specialty and type of employer. For example, animal scientists spend part of their time at dairies, farm animal facilities, or outdoors conducting research. Soil and crop scientists also spend their time outdoors conducting research on farms and agricultural research labs.

Job Opportunities:-
The career as agricultural scientist has great job opportunities in areas like:-

In the career as agricultural scientist, the average annual salary is expected to be fair. However, the salary also depends on the type of work, education and experience. Those with a Ph.D. or master's degree usually work in research area or teach in colleges and institutes and can expect good wages and additional allowances. The salary goes on increasing with the years of experience and increase in skills.

Job Progress:-
In the career as agricultural scientist, those with a bachelor's degree begin their career as research assistants or enter in teaching. With years of experience, they can become senior researchers or become supervisors. Those with a master's degree or Ph.D. can easily become managers and head the research work. The experienced faculties can even turn to be consultants and Head of relevant departments.

Employment forecast:-
Job growth in the career as agricultural scientist is expected to expand in the coming years. Opportunities are expected to be better in the future, especially in countries like India where more people are engaged in farming.

The technology is about to grow with the increase in Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. Hence, the agricultural scientists would be needed to find new techniques for converting organic matter into energy sources and to increase the output of crops used in these products. Those with a Doctorate degrees are expected to be in great demand for research work. In addition, these technologists would be in required to increase the agriculture output with protection and prevention of soil, water, and ecosystems.

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