Radiation Therapist
Career as Radiation Therapist is very popular in the medical field as it cures cancer. Therapists treat by penetrating the high-energy radiation beams in the part, which is supposed to be treated. Career as Radiation Therapist is very advance as latest techniques are used to operate the parts.
There are several aspects of Radio Therapy:
- Simulation : For this the specialist X-ray fluoroscopy machines are used to treat the affected area by minimizing the amount of radiation exposure to the surrounding healthy tissues.
- CT / MR Stimulation : This is used to produce the scan of the affected area to be treated.
- Computer Planning : This technique is useful to produce the three-dimensional plan of the radiation distribution with in the affected area.
- External Beam Treatment : Accurate amount of radiations are delivered to the affected area. These radiations involve the ionized radiations or high energy X-rays.
- Mold Room : The technique is used for the patients who need the radiation in head and neck area.
- Brachytherapy : Small radio-active source are placed on or in the tumor to be treated. By this therapy the healthy tissues are not affected at all.
Career as Radiation Therapist is very vast and the associated person has a lot of work to do. Some of the most popular works are defined as under:
- A course of Radiation Therapy can last for several weeks so a radiation therapist has to observe the changing condition of the patient.
- They are also responsible for prescribing the medicines required along with the radiation course.
- They interpret the test results and are also responsible for quality of the radiation treatment.
- They study the images of the target area, produced by the machines and then plan the course accordingly. In addition, the patient's sustainability power is kept in mind.
- During the course of radiation, there are chances that a patient can develop side effects. Therefore, a radiation therapist is responsible to prescribe the medicines on his own or can communicate the same to the oncologist.
- They ensure that the patient is safe all the time. They can stop the radiation if they find that the patient is not strong enough to hold the further radiations.
Educational Qualification:
Career as Radiation Therapist is a fast developing field. Therefore, it is necessary to have the precise degrees. As without the perfect degree, the professional cannot practice. The different qualifications are:
- Associate or Bachelor Degree in Radiation Therapy
- Post Graduate in Radiation Therapy
- Doctoral Degree in Radiation Therapy
- Degree in Radiography followed by certification in Radiation Therapy
- Also one must pass the state/federal exam to get license to Practice
Other Necessary Skills:
Apart from the educational Qualification some other skills are also needed. To pursue Career as Radiation Therapist, the interpersonal skills required are:
- Keen Observation: Since they treat the cancer patients mainly, so no lack of observation is allowed
- Good Interpretation: they are responsible for planning and explaining the course of treatment to the patients.
- Communication skills: The person should have good communication skills so t hat he can explain the condition of a patient effectively
- Good in empathizing as the person has to deal with cancer patients mostly
- Good motivational power. This is actually very useful to the patients with strong tumors, which will take time to heal or may not even heal sometimes
- Should have a very pleasant personality so that patients can comfortably discuss their problems
- Enthusiastic learner so that using the latest technology is not a problem
Place of Work:
Career as Radiation Therapist has a vast area to work. The places are:
- Cancer Treatment Hospitals/ Centers
- Health Organizations
- Some have their Private Clinics
- Medical Institutions (as Professor of radiation Therapy)
Job Opportunity:
Career as Radiation Therapist has variety of opportunities. A person can practice on his own provided he has all the needed radiation machines. Several hospitals have the special Radiation Departments that work along with the oncologists. Since these centers run 24 hours so the opportunity of getting job is more.
Financially, Career as Radiation Therapist is excellent. The salary growth is good if the person is salaried. Since the technology, that they use are very advance and safe, more patients opt for these kinds of therapies. Still, the income depends on one more reason and that is whether the technology you are using is the latest one or not.
Job Progress:
The job progress in Career as Radiation Therapist is moderately good as they can attain the management positions with the greater responsibilities by getting the different level certifications. In addition, they have the options to continue the education to become the Dosimetrists.
Employment Forecast:
Due to the new technologies, it is now very easy to detect the diseases on the first stage itself. Due to the increasing complications related to health and diseases, experts in radiation therapies are called for. Thus, the future of Career as Radiation Therapist is excellent to choose. One can consider it as one of the best career options for future prospects.