Despite of its overwhelming complexity, the health care industry has a huge advantage. This industry is a consistent and reliable producer of jobs. In 2006, the health services industry is termed as the largest industry by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In this year, the health care industry almost hired 14 million people. Seven occupations out of the 20 occupations are from the health care industry which are growing rapidly as per the BLS reports.
Also by 2016, health care industry will generate 3 million new jobs which are more than any other industry. It is predicted by the Labor Department that nursing jobs will increase by 22 percent, physician's assistant jobs will increase by more than 50 percent, occupational therapist jobs by 33 percent and home care job opportunities by 66 percent.
Dental hygienists as well as fitness trainers are among the popular professions in the health care industry. While the suggestion of working in the health care industry may summon visions of devastating medical school debit and demanding internships, but most of the health care career need less than four years of college college education. Graduates with one or two year certification programs may employ as medical records and health information technicians.
There are also other job opportunities in the health care industry including nursing and home health aides, dental and medical assistants, and facility cleaning jobs. There is excellent growth in jobs particularly outside of the inpatient hospital sector, such as medical assistants and home health aides. There is a constant requirement for more nurses to meet obligatory staffing intensity.
As there is shortage of qualified and skilled employees, many hospitals and nursing homes have extended working hours. Many nurses' groups are complaining that working for 12-hour shifts will affect their ability to deliver high-quality care because of stress and fatigue. There are also lack of skilled nursing instructors which makes it worst. Even though many people are joining nursing schools for serving people and for solid career prospects.