Flash Animation Resume

Methods to Make Flash Animation Resume

A flash animation resume can make you stand out in a crowd of applicants and give you an edge over your competitors. You can distribute this resume as attachment to mails or even host it on the internet and just send the URL to the concerned person. There are several methods of creating flash animation resumes. The method suitable to you would depend on how much you know about the flash, the kind of details that you wish to put in your resume, the job you are targeting etc. Here are a few methods that you can use for building a flash resume.

When all is said and done you should remember that a flash resume is not a substitute for the traditional resume but should be used in addition to it. When designing and creating your flash resume you should make sure that they are easy to navigate and recruiter has no problems in finding relevant information. Additionally you should take advantage of the capabilities of flash and add buttons for things like generating and/or printing a text copy, emailing a response etc.

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