Job search is a long and tedious process. Often it irritates job seekers a lot, as it does not bring the result they desired. An unsuccessful job search makes job seekers pessimistic and under confident. That happens when the job search is vague and unfocused. A well-planned job search is not only easy to do but also gives the result you desired. In an effort to make the job search easy, time efficient and interesting, find the given expert tips on job search.
To help you understand the ways of doing a successful job search, let us divide the process in three parts. Find below the tips and guidelines to follow before, during and after the job search.
Before the Job Search
- Start your job search early. Do not wait for your exams to get over and for results to come out. Search for jobs while completing your studies.
- Draft an impressive resume to upload on job portals that portrays your qualities and key qualification. Ensure that the resume is generic which will prove you suitable for many jobs listed on the portal.
- Select the best source available to search jobs. Applicants can approach hiring agencies, upload resume on the internet, read the newspaper advertisements or seek information through grapevine. Widen your job search to receive maximum updates about the job availability in market.
During the Job Search
- Register your name at the selected job search portals. Ensure you give accurate contact details. They are the only source for the recruiter to contact you. In spite of being deserving, the job seeker should not lose opportunities due to recruiter's failure in contacting you.
- Narrow your job search by specifying your key requirements regarding location, designation and salary. Mention your qualifications, experiences and skills to justify your requirements.
- Request all job sources to send job alerts. Job seekers often miss on opportunities due to late reply. An immediate reply to a job opening shows interest and eagerness of the job seekers. Hence, get alerts from the different sources to be the first to reply.
- To make your job search more effective, search your own name on Google. If you find any embarrassing or unfavorable information under your name, try to delete those details. Make sure the employer gets positive and encouraging results, if they try to know more about the candidate through internet.
- Analyze the different results one gets from the job portals. Consider the pros and cons of each job along with its relevance to your own requirements. Select the jobs you wish to apply for and prepare its list.
- Search for the contact details of all the recruiters you wish to approach for an interview. Reply them by mail or call showing your interest for the job opening and request them for job.
- Be careful about the false job search listings. Do not make online payment to any recruiter for your job. Verify the authenticity of the organization before dealing with them
After the Job Search
- Prepare a strong resume to suit the recruiter's expectations and requirements for that particular job opening. A generic resume is good enough to get you short listed for the interview. However, to nail the interview a target resume is ideal.
- Follow up with the recruiters for the interview and after that for the results. This will help you stay in recruiter's notice for long. However, make sure you do not annoy the recruiter with frequent calls.
- Job search is continuous process. Even after you get a job, update your resume regularly, improve your credentials and keep yourself visible in the job market with strong networking.
Follow the given expert tips on job search to make job searching interesting, convenient and productive.