With the rising influence of information technology in every aspect of life, it is obvious that it would have an effect on job search as well. Different online job search engines have come to the rescue of the job seekers to make the tedious and lengthy task of job search, easy and fast. Job seekers can choose from the many job search engines available online. However, it confuses them to choose the search engine that suits them the best. Find below the tips and instances to evaluate the best job search engine.
Maximum Registration
Check out the number of members registered with the job search engines. If the number of registered members is high, it opens up better job opportunities for its members. Hence, the best job search engine would have high number of registered members. The job seekers get to enjoy many options that they can analyze and choose the best option.
Alerts and Updates
An effective and efficient job search engine is the one that sends out alerts and updates to its members. As soon as a new job opening gets listed on the search engine, it sorts out the list of candidates who qualify for the job and sends an alert to them. The job seekers respond to the alerts received and convey their interest to the recruiter. Alerts give an advantage to the job seekers. An immediate reply to the recruiter helps in impressing him and showing your promptness in work and eagerness to learn. Hence, always opt for those job search engines that send quick alerts and updates to be the first to knock on the opportunity's door.
Recent Postings
Select a job search engine that sorts the listed jobs as recent or latest. It makes the job seekers work easy and quick. Some job search engines continue to enlist many of the job listings that are already closed. Hence, though the portal sorts out a long list of suitable jobs, many of them are old and invalid. Hence, to save this time spent on considering improper jobs, always opt for the jobs posted under recent additions. Thus, the job seeker is ensured that the jobs, he considers are valid and open.
Wide Reach
A good job search engine is the one that has wide reach in terms of location. The job search engines should cater to jobs all over the world. The job search engine should be competent in searching jobs across the globe, be it within your city, state, country or in some foreign land. One should not get restricted in one work area due to unawareness about job openings elsewhere. Hence, to evaluate the job search portal, look out for the different locations they cater to.
Job Fields
To increase the use and popularity of a job search engine, it needs to cover a wide range of job fields. It should not limit itself with the traditional fields of finance, engineering or medical. It should include the latest and unconventional fields of designing, analyst, music etc. It is a sign of an effective search engine that it includes many diverse fields and serves the job seekers of different fields.
These are some instances of evaluating the best job search engine. The job seekers can find out which of the job engines will give them the desired result with the assistance of these criteria.