Ok, so finally its that time of the year and you are looking for your performance review. So how can you get a good performance review? Can you do something about it? Here are some of the tips to remember and work on:
- Make best efforts possible. Do your best to complete all your projects before the performance review time. If your boss seeing your working hard, there is a possibility that your minor mistakes (and may be some major ones) will be ignored.
- Take more initiative. Don't just carry out your regular work, take some extra initiatives to do something new to improve your work.
- Keep regular communication with your boss. This is very important. Sometimes your boss doesn't know what sort of problems you are having, he/she doesn't know why your work is getting delayed. If you are communicating with your boss regularly then he/she is aware that you are working hard and having problems too. This will also give you chance to see whether your boss is happy with your work or not, if not improve your work.
- Focus on team work too. Always try to help your colleagues because some part of your performance review also comes from your colleagues.
- Catch up on pending work.
Catch up on projects that have been with you since long. Make sure that you complete all projects.
- Discuss.
You have to show that you are serious about the job. You have to discuss your queries with the management. This shows that you are interested in your job. You have to take part in the performance review by discussing things and giving suggestions. You have to tell them your experiences during the year and what you have learnt. It is a reflection on your part about your work and your experience with the company. When you discuss make sure you mention your contribution and how it has helped the department and the company as a whole.
- Prove it.
Carry along with you all relevant paperwork that proves your contribution. You need to showcase your accomplishments in the right manner. Sales records or other material that proves your contribution will lead to an improvement in the performance review.