Computer Resume

Computer resumes are written for various job profiles from a computer operator to computer technician, software engineer, hardware engineer, system analyst, and several others. The technical skills required for a particular position differ. For example, a graphic designer would be proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and other programs used for graphic designing. Whereas, a computer operator may just be familiar with word professing programs like MS Office. In short, each computer resume will have different technical skills based on the job profile.

Jobs related to the computer field is vast and competitive as well. So a resume that spells out your computer skills in a professional manner may spike the prospective employer's interest. These technical skills form the key in screening and selection of candidates. So presenting these skills that can describe you are experienced with tools is necessary. Besides technical skills, computer jobs also require certification or specialization. Above all, the resume organization is important as well. You cannot create a section for laying out Technical Skills right above the job objective or career summary. Similarly, you cannot place education just above the work experience section. But there are exemptions for those just starting out. Candidates with no experience can have the education section right below the technical skills.

Computer Resume Template

Personal Details:

Job Objective: (Include it only when you are a fresher or an intern).

The purpose of resume objective is to show your interest to work with the company and make the readers clear what job you are applying for. Along with naming the job, you have to add skills and abilities that make you suitable for the job.

Here is an example:

“I am seeking a position of Computer Operator at Zen Corporation where my abilities to work on several word processing programs, and experience to perform clerical duties will help the company in daily office operations.”

Technical Skills: (This section is must include and better if you use it immediately after the objective statement. While there are several types of computer skills for specific jobs, include those you have actually gained by working with previous and current companies. Let's say you have applied for a software engineer position. In that case, you can show your software skills in this format.)

Work Experience: (Write your current working experience first followed by the previous. Use this format to describe it.)

Computer Operator
Zen Corporation
Chicago, IL
2015 – Present

Education: (This section can also go before Work Experience in case you are a fresher or an intern. Your education must be relevant to the computer job. While basic knowledge of computer will do for a computer operator position, a software engineer must show a degree in computer science along with a relevant certification. List education in this format.)

Reference: (Include names and phone details of people only if the employer has asked for. Otherwise, just mention “On request.)

While the computer jobs are varied, you can choose from the given samples of computer resumes below that is applicable to your profile, and customize it to strengthen your chances of selection.

Samples of Computer Resumes

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